The Neptune in Aries 2025-2039 Effect: How It’s Shaking the Cosmos
Step into a new astrological era. Welcome to the realm of Neptune in Aries. On March 30, 2025, Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, spirituality, and creativity, moves into Aries for the first time in 165 years. With Neptune undergoing a transformative rebirth in the fiery realm of Aries, we embark on a fresh 165-year astrological journey, heralding a profound shift in our cosmic landscape.
Read more: The Neptune in Aries 2025-2039 Effect: How It’s Shaking the Cosmos
Let Go & Flow: North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo (2025-2026)
2025 is the year of transformation. All the outer planets change signs and form interesting – and supportive – configurations, making 2025 a year unlike anything we’ve seen before. January 2025 kicks off the first of these significant transitions. The Lunar Nodes shift axis: the North Node moves from Aries into Pisces, and the South Node transitions from Libra into Virgo. This shift highlights a movement away from assertiveness and individuality (Aries/Libra) toward a focus on healing, health, service, and intuition (Pisces/Virgo). While the North Node is inviting us more deeply into the energetic, spiritual, intuitive, and imaginative over this time – it is for the purpose of finding overall balance and healing both sides of the axis.
Read more: Let Go & Flow: North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo (2025-2026)
Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Release, Realign & Transform
2025s Eclipse season has begun : it’s the first of a series of Eclipses in the healing-oriented, service-giving signs of Virgo and Pisces. On March the 14th, a powerful total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo lights up the skies, bringing enormous focus to where it is in our world that the balance of rest and work, flow and control, the practical and the ethereal needs to be maintained. It is a powerful moment of release, change, and transformation, marking the beginning of a new cycle in the Virgo/Pisces axis. With two eclipses, two inner planet retrogrades, the astrological New Year, an outer planet shift, and potent aspects occurring throughout the month, buckle up—this cosmic ride will be intense. Are you ready then? Let's dive deep into the energy of this eclipse and what it means for all of us!
Read more: Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: Release, Realign & Transform