zodiac work

Do you ever wonder if the stars hold the key to your ideal job? Astrology, the study of celestial bodies and their influence, suggests that your zodiac sign can offer insights into your work personality and career path. In this exploration, we'll delve into the potential connections between the zodiac and the world of work, and discover how your sign's traits might guide you towards fulfilling professional endeavours.


With your executive decision-making ability and general verve, you’re a self- starter and an effective leader who likes to initiate change. Ambitious and competitive, you rise to a challenge. But you’re a sprinter, not a long-distance runner. You love the unmistakable thrill that comes at the beginning of an undertaking, when creative momentum is high and the possibilities are wide open. You’re delighted to experiment and innovate. But once things have settled into a routine and the endeavour becomes weighted down with procedures, precedents, and supervisors, your excitement wanes. You find it irritating and dispiriting to spend time focusing on details and loose ends or doing standard maintenance tasks. Not surprisingly, quitting too soon is one  of your worst — and most frequent — mistakes. You’re happiest working on your own or being the boss, preferably in an enterprise that allows you to be in charge of your own schedule. Physical activity is a definite plus, as is the opportunity to participate in a variety of tasks. You’re easily bored, and your need to express yourself is stronger than your need for security. Pie-in-the-sky careers for Aries include being a film director like Francis Ford Coppola, an action star (or motorcyclist) like Steve McQueen, a military leader like General Colin Powell, or a talk show host like David Letterman. Surgery is said to be an Aries profession, as is anything that involves fire (including cooking) and anything with a high risk quotient.

Whatever your true vocation, it’s not something you choose for money or prestige. Instead, you’re drawn to it because it offers you a way to make an impact on the world — and at the same time to express your incomparable, amazing self.


If you work for an Aries, your boss will most likely be assertive, enterprising, and impatient with anyone who can’t keep up or who requires a lot of supervision. Your best move is to work independently — and don’t take those  angry  outbursts personally.


Because you adore the creature comforts and lack that manic hit that often characterises high achievers, people may assume that you’re lazy. They couldn’t be more wrong. Though your ability to lounge around on weekends is without equal, you’re diligent, productive, and organised when you want to be, with an inborn need to do something constructive. Security is essential to you, whether that means money in the bank, real estate, a first-rate pension plan, or all of the above. And yet, that’s not where you live. At bottom, it’s more important for you to believe in what you’re doing and to find a modicum of creative expression. When you identify an area that satisfies those needs, you’re willing to make financial sacrifices.

Whatever you choose, you work at a steady pace. And unlike other signs, you aren’t constantly trying to elbow your way into the spotlight. Naturally, people come to rely on you. And yes, it sometimes feels as though you’re doing more than your share of the work for less than your share of the recognition. That’s one of the drawbacks of being an earth sign.


Working with a Taurus is easier if you accept the fact that he knows what he wants and he’s unlikely to change. He values productivity, follow-through, loyalty, and the ability to stay cool. As for those brilliant ideas you have about how to shake things up, keep them to yourself. They will only make him distrust your judgement.


Versatile and cerebral, you have fine motor skills and are a wizard with  words. Whether you’re writing a roman à clef or building a Victorian bird-house, ideas readily come to you because you’re stimulated by everything. Smart and buoyant, you pick things up so fast that you practically don’t have  a learning curve. But in work (as in love), you grow quickly bored. Jobs that require a lot of repetition, no matter how outwardly rewarding, are always a mistake for you. You require mental stimulation, plenty of opportunity to socialise, and a mixture of responsibilities. The best professions for you offer variety and take advantage of your ability to communicate. Classic Gemini careers include education, travel, writing, and anything connected with news- papers, magazines, radio, or TV. Blogging was made for you. Inventive and entrepreneurial, you’re skilled at creating original business ventures. Even though the freelancer’s life isn’t for everyone, you bask in its variety and manage the challenges (no security, no predictability, and no schedule) with confidence. Just make sure you hire a sensible Taurus or a Capricorn to look after your finances. Handling money is not your strength.


Working with a Gemini is a challenge because they’re always prepared to change directions on a whim — and they expect everyone else to follow suit. If you’re working with a Gemini, your only move at these times is to shift gears and pretend you aren’t rattled. “But you told us last week . . .” carries no weight with a Gemini. Geminis value new ideas, flexibility, and rapid response. They don’t care about consistency.


It’s true that yours is the sign of domesticity. That doesn’t mean you want to stay home all the time making tea and crumpets. As a cardinal sign, you’re happiest when you’re actively involved in the world. You shine in fields that rely on your emotional sensitivity. You excel in medicine, teaching, social  work, child psychology, marriage counselling, and any other form of therapy. Because you have a deep love of home (and house), you can also succeed at real estate, architecture, cooking, restaurant management, and so on. Finally, thanks to your interest in the past, you’re drawn to history, antiques, and museum work. You’re great with children. You’re also supremely responsive to the elderly and would do well in geriatrics. Whatever you do, it must offer fulfilment as well as material security. Your occupation needs to captivate  you, and there’s no reason to settle for anything  less.

Despite your doubts and hesitations, taking the initiative is your best move. Within an organisation, you quickly form alliances and generally rise to a position of leadership. You’re well-organised and energetic, but you also become emotionally involved in your work, and you tend to take it home with you. It helps to find a mentor. Establishing a personal tie with someone who has the authority and expertise you lack can fortify and reassure you. Similarly, after you have accumulated some experience, you find it gratifying to become a mentor.


If you work with or for a Cancerian, be prepared to give your all. Crabs try to create family, even at the office. They want to forge strong connections and therefore try to create a positive atmosphere. At least in theory, the office door will be open, and criticism will be constructive. If you need help, say so. (They tend to slip into a parental role.) If you have a legitimate complaint, address it in a private meeting. But don’t sneak around complaining to one and all behind your boss’s back. Cancerians may hide their emotions, but they’re astute enough to sense betrayal.


Because Leos enjoy basking in the limelight, people occasionally assume that you aren’t hard-working. This judgement couldn’t be further from the truth. Leos are hugely ambitious and somewhat opportunistic. You’re resourceful and productive, a skilled organiser with a sharp business sense. Many Leos speculate with abandon. You seek recognition more than most, fantasise about fame, and are willing to work at maximum intensity. If you’re at the top of the heap, even in a tiny, home-based business, you feel powerful and magnanimous. You happily make room for others, both as partners and as employees, and you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty or to share a pizza with the part-time staff. But no matter how gratifying your job may be in other respects, you can’t exist without a little razzle-dazzle. Ideal careers are musician (Madonna), actor (Halle Berry), clothing designer (Coco Chanel), politician (Bill Clinton, Barack Obama), and anything that’s likely to put you in front of a group of people. Fifth-grade teacher? Fine. Lawyer? Sure, especially if you can strut your stuff in court. President of anything? Absolutely. Star of screen and stage? Now you’re talking.


If you work for a Leo, be prepared to work intensely (except when your boss is in the mood to talk), to shower him or her with respect and compliments, and to step politely aside whenever the spotlight is turned on. Your allegiance and your skill will be privately recognized — and rewarded. Leo is warm and generous. But remember, Leo rules. The term of art here is “benevolent despot.”


It’s difficult to imagine an organisation that wouldn’t benefit from having a Virgo or two around. The master of multitasking, you easily juggle hundreds of details and dozens of conflicting demands. Organised and meticulous, you’re skilled at teaching, writing (and other forms of communication), and anything that requires an analytical mind and attention to detail. But no matter what direction you go in, more work ends up on your desk than on anyone else’s because, guess what? You’re more efficient than anyone else. That’s why the powers-that-be keep calling on you. No one else is up to the job — and you may not want to do it either. Even so, you produce accurate, timely results because you can’t resist rising to a challenge. Might as well admit the truth: You can’t resist the compliment, and you take secret pleasure in tucking in every last detail. You’re the ideal employee, like it or not — which may be why Virgos often fantasise about owning their own businesses. The degree of control you gain as an entrepreneur is tonic for your soul.


If you work for a Virgo, follow instructions to the letter and obey the unstated rules of the workplace. On the surface, the environment may be casual and egalitarian. Nonetheless, the standards are strict. So go ahead and request instruction and clarification when you need it. Virgo will respect you for  asking. Similarly, feel free to ask for feedback. But understand that after you receive advice, you must make a sincere effort at following it. Otherwise, Virgo may perceive your request as a waste of time. And take my word for it: You don’t want to waste a Virgo’s time.


For Libra, life would be much more pleasant without the irksome necessity of work. Because your aesthetic sense is directly related to your mood, it’s imperative that your workspace be clean and airy with plenty of opportunities for face-to-face socialising. Finding an environment that supports you both intellectually and socially is equally important. You aren’t enormously ambitious, perhaps because you underrate yourself. Money is seldom your chief motivation, but you know what you’re worth, and you’re confident enough to ask for the recognition you deserve. Still, the day-to-day quality of your work is what matters most. Ideal fields include all aspects of the arts, including the visual arts, theatre, and music. Cultural organisations are natural spots for you. You can also express your artistic talents in fashion, graphic design, interior decoration, architecture, photography, cinema, and related fields. Other areas for which you are equally well suited include diplomacy, mediation and negotiation, the law (Libra makes a fine judge), and anything that requires making contact with the public.


If you work with or for a Libra, you have the opportunity to observe the   power of reason close up. Libra respects rational decision-making and analysis. Gifted with poise and intelligence, Libra tries to be fair and expects you to share in the spirit of compromise. It’s true that Libran decision-making can be a lengthy process. Libra values your input. But after a decision has been reached, Libra moves with dispatch. Two pieces of advice: Present your ideas calmly and logically. And look your best. Libra may pretend that appearance doesn’t matter. But others know better than to believe it.


Scorpio brings energy and ambition to the workplace, and your goals are generally of the highest order (though, for the record, I must acknowledge that Scorpios can also be adept as scam artists, drug dealers, and low-level thugs). Astute and insightful, you make a fantastic advocate for anyone in  need. Plus, you’re a fighter. You’re also fascinated by power and money, which gives you the motivation to excel at business (think of Bill Gates) or politics (consider Hillary Clinton). Whatever field you find yourself in, trivialities don’t interest you. Nor do you have to be centre stage (unless, of course, you have a lot of Leo in your chart). But you do need to be involved in an enterprise that matters. Scientific research, surgery, various kinds of counselling, community organising, investigative reporting, investment banking, poli- tics, and various aspects of psychology all come to mind. As I noted earlier, detective and spy are two positions traditionally considered Scorpionic. But did I mention mortician? Magician? Obituary writer? Mystery writer? Guru? Poet? Greatest artist of the 20th century (Picasso)? The list goes on and on.


If you work with or for a Scorpio, you’ll see what it means to be committed. Industrious, disciplined, and demanding, Scorpios know how to concentrate (unless, of course, they can’t, in which case, you get to see the miserable, sulky Scorpio). Because they know how to keep a secret, you can trust Scorpios with yours. But they’re also inscrutable. They nurture their accomplices — and demolish their enemies. If you have a Scorpio boss, do your best — and don’t try any fancy stuff. She’ll see it coming, and you’ll pay for your presumption. No one, and I mean no one, wants to have a Scorpio for an enemy.


Sagittarius is the sign of higher education, and the professions associated with the sign reflect that. Blessed with a love of learning and a yearning to do something that matters, you’re well suited for teaching, publishing, journalism, law, religion, communications, and anything involving international relations or travel. You dislike bureaucracy and grow restless in a rigidly structured organisation. Whatever you do, your intellect needs to be engaged. Versatile and quick, you’re easily distracted and may accept a hodgepodge of assignments just to keep things interesting. Big projects and high ideals excite you. Bookkeeping doesn’t. Financial management doesn’t. Indeed, it’s the small stuff that trips you up — and yet your professional success depends upon your ability to handle the details. Learning to delegate is another one of your challenges. A natural egalitarian, you hate to request assistance and are uncomfortable asking others to perform the dull tasks you’d just as soon dodge yourself. Finally, you may face issues of time management. In a world full of fascinating distractions, it’s essential to use your time to your advantage. But you already know  that.


If you work for a Sagittarian, your essential task is to keep the big picture in mind and make sure things are moving forward. If your work is generally on target, the Archer won’t nitpick you to death. Sagittarius isn’t a micromanager. On the other hand, if you need help with something specific, you may   not get it. After all, you already received a rundown of the situation — right? And be prepared: Detail-averse Sagittarians don’t object to working overtime. If you’re a strict 9-to-5er, the Archer may question your commitment.


Can you say workaholic? Capricorn is the most ambitious, industrious sign of the zodiac. You accept responsibility without complaint. You know how to operate within an organisation, large or small, and when a structure is lacking, you know how to create one. You may not like bureaucracy, but you understand it, and you’re at home in a corporation. Naturally you crave recognition. And let’s face it: Although recognition comes in many guises, its primary form is money. You understand the stuff. Occasionally, you even become obsessed with it because money is a sign of accomplishment. Consider, for example, this remark from the eccentric, obsessive-compulsive tycoon Howard Hughes. “I’m not a paranoid deranged millionaire,” he said. “Goddamit, I’m a billionaire.” So, yes, some Capricorns are covetous and materialistic. Most are not. And many of you have a little-recognized ability to put the good of others ahead of your selfish desires. Not for nothing was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Capricorn. Those born under the sign of the Goat, despite a reputation for capitalist venality, often have a social conscience. They just don’t think they should have to suffer for it.


If you work for a Capricorn, everything you ever learned about how to behave at work applies: Be on time, dress for the next level up, anticipate your boss’s needs, be organised, and so forth. Avoid office pranks: Naked pictures on the copier won’t amuse your straight-arrow boss. And make sure that nothing suspect appears on your computer screen — and that includes solitaire. Remember: Capricorns wrote the rules. You’d be a fool to break them.


Why would anyone want to follow the beaten path? Striking out for terra incognita is much more entertaining. If you can create your own schedule, you’re even better off. Late-night hours don’t scare you; mind-numbing tasks and banal co-workers (a curse of your life) do. What matters most is that  your job is future-oriented and focused on change. That’s where you find the most personal satisfaction. Fields that are a fit for Aquarius include social work, politics, technology, science (and medicine in particular), academia, environmentalism, civil rights, and anything that pushes the boundaries in a progressive direction. Politicians like Abraham Lincoln, thinkers like Charles Darwin, inventors like Thomas Edison, and TV personalities like Oprah Winfrey demonstrate the impact that your sign can make. Innovative Aquarius sees the future before anyone else and knows how to react to it. Technology, by the way, is oxygen to your soul. Even if you think you don’t  like modern technology — maybe you’re an aficionado of vinyl or a collector of portable typewriters — you still benefit from it.


If you work with or for an Aquarian, be prepared to argue your viewpoint effectively and to do your job without prodding. Aquarius wants independence and is glad to grant the same privilege to you — assuming you don’t take advantage. Don’t force a showdown.


In Utopia, these are a few of the jobs that Pisces would happily hold: poet, artist, musician, clairvoyant, palm reader, sailor, filmmaker, actor, wine taster, spiritual healer, hypnotist, yoga teacher — and anything concerning tropical fish, the ocean, or ballet. Given those career choices, you may expect Pisces to be a failure in the real world. But you’d be wrong. It turns out that Pisces is strangely adept at handling enormous sums of money. According to a 1995 study done by Forbes Magazine, more of the 400 richest Americans are Pisceans than any other sign. Why would that be? Well, you really do have a creative mind. It’s not just a matter of colouring outside the lines; you have the ability to toss the book aside and design something completely original. Plus, unlike more realistic signs (Capricorn, for example), you dream big. If you can harness that vision to an old-fashioned work ethic, you can accomplish anything. If your job also benefits humanity, you’ll be even happier. Pisces aspires to be of service, and you’ll feel better about yourself if you are. That’s why, besides the utopian trades in the previous paragraph, you may want to consider medicine, social work, philanthropy, education, environmentalism, cuisine, oceanography, and — yes — finance.


If you work with or for a Pisces, stay tuned — and I mean every minute. Any bad vibes you detect, Pisces notices too. Sympathetic and broad-minded, Pisceans support their staff and don’t get stuck on minor points. But they’re strivers, both more opportunistic and less secure than they may appear. If a Pisces senses dissension in the ranks or anything less than total loyalty, you’ll be fish food.