Do you have a strong need to communicate your emotions? If Mercury and the Moon form a major aspect, the answer is yes.
If the Moon and Venus form a major aspect, your emotional needs and your need for love and beauty are intertwined.
If you have a major aspect between the Moon and Mars, you’re assertive about the way you express your emotions.
The Moon wants to pour out her feelings, while extravagant Jupiter says “More is more” — which makes for a potent emotional cocktail.
Saturn is the planet of restraint, and the Moon is all about unbridled emotions. This pair could be called “Sense and Sensibility.”
The Moon harbours the most sensitive, private side of your personality, while Neptune cloaks everything in mystery. Together this pair can sensitise your imagination — or lead you into an emotional fog.
There’s never a dull moment when the emotional Moon pairs up with the planet of unpredictability.