2025 is the year of transformation. All the outer planets change signs and form interesting – and supportive – configurations, making 2025 a year unlike anything we’ve seen before. January 2025 kicks off the first of these significant transitions. The Lunar Nodes shift axis: the North Node moves from Aries into Pisces, and the South Node transitions from Libra into Virgo. This shift highlights a movement away from assertiveness and individuality (Aries/Libra) toward a focus on healing, health, service, and intuition (Pisces/Virgo). While the North Node is inviting us more deeply into the energetic, spiritual, intuitive, and imaginative over this time – it is for the purpose of finding overall balance and healing both sides of the axis.
When the Lunar Nodes change signs, it’s a big deal for everyone. The Nodes spend approximately 18 months in a pair of signs, spotlighting the archetypal themes connected to those signs. The Lunar Nodes will shift signs on January 11, 2025, where they will remain until July 26, 2026. The North Node, also known as the lunar north node or the north node of fate, points us in the direction of our soul’s journey and purpose in our lifetimes. Collectively and personally we are meant to shed the shadows of the South Node and move toward the themes, actions, and outlooks of the North Node. The South Node is always directly opposite the North Node, so when the North Node moves in Pisces, the South Node will move into Virgo.
Destiny and Mystery: The South Node in Virgo, the North Node in Pisces
As the Nodes travel though this axis of Virgo and Pisces, we are invited to immerse ourselves in a chapter of spirituality, healing, dreaming, and connection to the Sacred. We are encouraged to see the divine in all and find compassion, empathy, and oneness within ourselves and each other.
While the North Node of the Moon transits the sign of Pisces, it’s a time to work on feelings of guilt about not doing enough or the tendency to over analyse and overthink. We’re learning to put more faith or trust in a bigger plan. Our path is to develop our love for ourselves and others through growing our compassion and understanding. It’s a time to learn more humility as we recognise that we (and others) are not perfect and don’t have to be.
We are being called to release South Node in Virgo shadows of self-judgement, perfectionism, shame, close-mindedness, as well as, impossibly high standards and expectations of ourselves and others. We are being asked to accept all parts of ourselves and others, to see the balance of spirit and body in humanity, and to let go of the need for control. If we are here for one another, practise seeing the best in each other and ourselves, and approach all situations with unconditional love, we will be more than fine.
Benefits come from developing our imagination, empathy, capacity for compassion, and faith. If we default to overworking or over-attention to physical health, we must now recognise the need to commit to our mental and emotional health. Learning to let go of an obsession with rules, details, and fears of not doing things perfectly or correctly will help us achieve a greater sense of balance and quieten guilty feelings and fears of failure, leading to a better state of inner balance.
Not only is this a robust period for inner work, but it’s also an excellent time for work behind the scenes. More quality time to ourselves helps us connect with our muse and potential for inner healing. We’re discovering that being idle is not inherently wrong — we need to disconnect, detox, and decompress from time to time. At the same time, we can enjoy more magic in our daily routines. It’s a strong time for growth through meditation, healing, medicine, research, art, film, photography, poetry, dance, and psychology.
We can find balance within spirit and body, intuition and logic, analytical thinking and imaginative thinking, fantasy and reality, detail and big picture. And in this balancing, exploring how these two seemingly opposing ways of understanding the world and moving through life can actually co-exist, as designed. To be human is to be a blend of energy and matter, spiritual and mundane, intuitive and logical, imaginative and practical.
Throughout this time, we are invited to offer ourselves and others greater compassion, acceptance, and wholeness. And in that, we are remembering service. When we remember that we are One as Pisces teaches us, we know that to be of service to another is to be of service to ourselves.
The South Node in Virgo shows us the foundation we stand on at this point in our lives, as a collective (and individually). It’s a foundation of the Virgo principles of discernment, mental analysis, skillfulness, improvement, and diligence. We know how to work and work hard. We know how to strip things to the essentials, and how to see the potential for things to go wrong. We know what our faults are, and the faults of everyone from Susan who lives next door to Billy who runs for MP. We can focus on the details and the practical, the nitty-gritty, and the “one right way” of doing things properly. We’ve cared about what the people will think and we know how to be cautious and what we need to fear
Throughout these 18-months, and perhaps always, compassion heals, love heals, forgiveness is medicine, and honouring another is honouring yourself.
As we find a deeper relationship with the Sacredness of life, we might just find higher meaning in our movements and living, too. We might just find devotion, a desire to serve the beauty that is existence, the desire to bring more sacredness, love, and healing into this world for the highest good of All.
Global Trends: Humanitarianism, Environmentalism, and Spiritual Rebirth
The North Node in Pisces will likely inspire a surge in humanitarian efforts and environmental consciousness. As people become more attuned to the suffering of others and the interconnectedness of all life, there may be a collective push toward addressing global issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. Movements that advocate for the protection of the oceans, waterways, and all aquatic life (areas ruled by Pisces) may gain significant momentum during this time.
The emphasis on unity and compassion could also lead to a revival of interest in global peace initiatives and the resolution of conflicts through diplomacy and understanding rather than aggression and force. As the world shifts from the warrior-like energy of Aries to the peaceful, inclusive energy of Pisces, there may be a collective realisation that true strength lies not in domination, but in love, empathy, and the ability to see beyond our differences.
In the realm of consciousness, the North Node in Pisces may bring about a period of spiritual rebirth. This could manifest as a widespread awakening to higher states of consciousness, an increased interest in exploring the mysteries of the universe, and a deepening of our connection to the divine. As old paradigms based on fear, separation, and materialism begin to dissolve, new ways of thinking, being, and relating to one another will emerge—ways that are rooted in love, compassion, and a sense of oneness with all of creation.
There’s a massive theme around dreaming around the eclipses of Fall 2024 to the first 3 eclipses of 2025. Those are:
September 18th, 2024
(technically, 2 more eclipses follow on October 2nd and 17th, 2024, on the Aries-Libra axis)
March 14th, 2025
March 29th, 2025
September 7th, 2025
(The rest of the eclipses are September 21st, 2025, February 17th, March 2-3rd, August 12th, and August 27-28th, 2026).
These eclipses (09/17/2024, 03/14/2025, 03/29/2025, 09/07/2025) ask us to dream about the life we’d like to have and to listen to our intuition to find out what’s possible and where to go from here. Not only that, but they also ask us to go back into our past and find out what we’d like to take with us for the future we need. This is valuable information that prepares us for the final eclipse of 2025 on September 21st of that year: at that time, action and change come into our lives that test our vision and where we’re at in life.
The Astrology of Eclipses: A Guide to Understanding Their Impact
Other periods when the North Node was in Pisces and the South Node was in Virgo:
- June 11, 1961 - December 23, 1962
- June 10, 1978 - January 12, 1980
- May 23, 1989 - November 18, 1990
- January 11, 2005 - July 5, 2006
- January 11, 2025 - July 26, 2026
The North Node in Pisces is a time of releasing past versions of yourselves. Of letting end what needs to end. Learn to let go of control (because we don’t actually control as much as we think we do) and focus more on compassion, healing, and service to others. It’s time to simplify your life. It’s time to prioritise rest. Life is more than the grind of to-do lists and practical goals. You’re being rerouted to the ephemeral things that make it more. Sit with yourself without distraction. Listen to what comes up. Return to the soul. Return to a spiritual life that serves you. At this time, expect the unforeseen.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
Joy is the food for life – but as humans, we need more than the kind of happiness that’s temporary. As humans, we feel fulfilled when we’re doing something within a community. With the North Node in Pisces, you will be drawn to find new friendships and alliances, especially with like-minded spiritual or creative groups. This is the time to ask yourself how your life can gain fun by bringing others into it. Also, it’s time to be more strategic to create the life you want to have decades down the line. Dream of the future, and dream big.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
Home is where the heart is – and that place is a springboard for us to enter the outside world. This time may mark an increase of work and a necessity for being out there in the world, rather than focusing on the home as much. North Node in Pisces encourages you to seek your career and public life growth, urging you to bring empathy and creativity into your professional path. Reputation and visibility may become big themes that see great changes. It’s time to release the past and take charge in your life to shape the present moment. Step into your mission, and dream the next steps to begin.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
Life is full of questions and various perspectives – it’s time to find the answers. You will feel the pull of the North Node in Pisces to explore new philosophies, spirituality, or educational opportunities. You know more than you think you do: trust what you know rather than get lost in all possible options. It’s a time for expanding the mind. Seek the meaning behind everything that happens (few things, if anything in life, are random). Seek truth to believe. Themes around education, travel, and belief may be highlighted: have faith and trust the adventure that is life.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
It’s time to go deeper. In life. In relationships. Into the unknown. For you, intuition leads you behind the veil and into the deeper truths – not only of life but also in a quite concrete way of seeing the intention of others and hidden secrets. It’s time to listen to and follow your intuition where it leads. In relationships, it’s time to get honest with whom you can trust – and with what. Being self-sufficient is wonderful, but as human beings, pooling resources (from energy to goods to finances) is unavoidable. How does the way you handle this serve you? Whom do you trust – and with what? Letting go of control over joint financial matters is key. The South Node in Virgo prompts you to release strict habits around debt, health, or self-improvement.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
Being in touch with who we are, doing growth work, realising our own goals, and being firm in who we are is great. This is a wonderful and healthy quality to have and not something you should ever lose. And. It’s time to shift the focus away from constantly developing/perfecting these things (unless it’s acutely necessary to continue). Now, it’s time for the growth human beings naturally engage in when we’re with other people, especially in committed friendships and romantic relationships. It’s time to find the people we want to be with in life. It’s time to maintain the relationships we have. It’s time to grow with others, rather than focusing on “individuating,” a.k.a. growing alone. It’s time to commit beyond self-commitment. It’s time to put the focus outside yourself for a while now, and onto your relationships – without forgetting that a healthy and happy You makes a healthy and happy Us. This is also a time when partnership is highlighted: you might experience change here.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
Imagine your life was a big house with an attic. As you live life, the residue of bad experiences, belief systems, and other stuff you don’t need piles up in said attic, so, periodically, we’re forced to clean and throw that stuff out – the time for this is now. In essence, this means that you process a bunch of things mentally. As a side effect, physical things/parts of your life that don’t serve you are forcibly being flushed out so they can end. But this isn’t something that happens for its own sake: it’s so you’re able to (and better at) taking productive action in your life and engaging in the world. So, this is supposed to drive you forward in life and aid you practically, rather than keep you stuck in the miasma of past pain. (Also, at this time, you process things way better through taking action, even if it’s unrelated to your problem – things like renovating your kitchen can absolutely give you a helpful healing perspective on a painful experience!) The real focus for this time lies on your health and mental well-being, on your work in this world (be it on a job, or house chores), on your daily routines and habits, and lastly on the way you help others. You might find yourself being drawn out of isolation or a period of inaction/less action, and into a more busy and work-laden time.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
We live our lives aware that we have an audience – be that our friends, our neighbours, the people we work with/for, or society at large. How much we let that audience impact us depends on the individual… and right now, it’s time to lower the impact of that even more. This is a time to be creative for creativity’s sake, uncaring of who likes what you’re doing or whether it makes you fit in. This is a time to follow your heart regardless of what people think. The false friends we have may fall away, our true friends never will. This is a time to feed our hearts with joy and to open our hearts to love. Children (yours or someone else’s) and fertility may be highlighted.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
There is a time to focus on our career, our impact in the world, and our reputation, and there’s a time to place the focus more on our internal and private reality. This is the time for the latter. Now, the focus is drawn to the foundations of your life, be they psychological/internal, familial, or in our physical home. It’s also time to be a little less out-and-about and more rooted in a place you feel at home in. It’s time to find what nourishes you and to pour into yourself. Make peace with the past and build on the foundation your life stands on. For some, the family you started/starting a family is highlighted.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
When you know, you know – but what if “what you know” is incomplete? This is a time to not just focus on the things you know already and what you believe to be true but to actually look at life honestly and check whether your beliefs are accurate. With the North Node in Pisces explore new forms of communication, creative self-expression, and connection to your local community. This is also the time to learn something new – and, most importantly, to use your voice and express what you need to express. This is a time for life-changing conversations… and for some, events regarding their local lives, the media, and siblings. The South Node in Virgo signals a need to release rigid beliefs or educational structures that may be limiting growth.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
Transformation, upheaval, and intense growth are part of life… and right now it’s time to focus away from that and more on creating safety and stability in your life. What do you need to feel secure? It’s time to bring that into your life and prioritise building a life (and sense of self) that feels solid. If transformation is needed to get there, great. But the focus isn’t on creating change, it’s on bringing things to a balance that’s sustainable. Part of this astrological event is also a focus on income and finances. This is a time to reframe your relationship with money and possessions, emphasising spiritual abundance. The South Node in Virgo invites you to let go of perfectionism around their material life.
Another part is your values: this is not a time for compromising yourself, but for living according to your values and for valuing yourself for and within your integrity.
Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.
With the North Node moving into Pisces, this is a powerful time of spiritual and personal growth for you. This is a time to figure out who you truly are – and to be surprised by what you may find once you actually listen to the voice that tells you what you really need. It’s time to fill your own cup first and see how far you’ve come already. It’s time to build your confidence and conquer the world. New beginnings may abound, and the voice of your soul may lead you on new (or slightly different) paths than the ones you already know. Pisces Sun, Moon, and Rising are the most affected by this astrological event.