Horoscope Guidance
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Natal Astrology
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Mercury in the Signs
Venus in the Signs
Mars in the Signs
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The Moon in the Houses
Mercury in the Houses
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Destined Hearts: A Love Written in the Cosmos
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Natal Astrology
The Planets in the Houses
The Sun in the Houses
The Moon in the Houses
Mercury in the Houses
You Must Read These!!!
Retrograde Planets | The Truth Revealed!
Saturn in the Houses
The Nodes of the Moon in the Signs
Introduction to Midpoints Theory
MERCURY | The Planet of Connection
The Astrology of Eclipses: A Guide to Understanding Their Impact
Great Conjunctions: The Day After Tomorrow
NEPTUNE | The Planet of Dreams and Illusions
URANUS | The Great Awakener
No more Mr. Nice Guy
Uranus in the Signs
Mars in the Houses
What can I do today?
The Descendant (DC)
Neptune in the Signs
Astrology: What is it? Why is it so misunderstood?
Pluto in the Signs
SATURN | The Teacher of Hardship and Growth
The Wounded Healer: Understanding Chiron's Role in Your Life
MARS | The Planet of Action