mars in cancer

After its transit through flirty and playful Gemini, Mars, which governs how we take action and go after our desires, is making its way over into emotional, loyal Cancer on September 4, 2024. Instead of continually seeking change and excitement, Mars is more than ready to snuggle up on the couch with his favourite home cooked meal, as passed down by grandmamma.

mars in cancer


Mars in Cancer

Fiery Mars isn't actually super-comfortable in the sign of Cancer. In fact, in traditional, ancient Astrology, Mars in Cancer is said to be in “Fall”, opposite his “Exaltation” sign of Capricorn. This is because the sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and the moon changes signs and moods every 24 hours. All that this means is that Mars is not as able as he usually is to express his bold, assertive energies in the usual way. Here, Mars becomes, well, watered down. Driven by emotions and intuition, Mars acts on his gut and follows his feelings.

Seeing as Mars also rules the principle of desire, what we may end up craving is somewhere we can belong, feel secure and put down roots. This is a natural progression from travel-orientated, flighty Gemini. After all, who doesn’t love coming home after a chaotic day to put their feet up?

With this yearning, we may take to wandering, just like the crab that Cancer symbolises. During our journey, we might come to realise that home is within us and around us, not necessarily something that we need to seek from outside. The crab knows this – he carries his home on his back, moving when the need takes him, searching for the ‘exact right place’ that his heart tells him resonates. 


Mars also rules passion, chemistry and physical desire. In Cancer, our desire is to conceive and create. Children come in more forms than just one. What can you conceive of during this season? What creative endeavour speaks to you, satisfies you, soothes you, nurtures you?  

Another question to ask might be in what way can you extend this nurturing energy towards others? Mars in Cancer is protective, and fiercely so. We may feel more compelled to protect ourselves, protect others, and reach for things that truly make us feel safe. We could expect the same treatment back, but with Cancer, there’s always the danger of passively-aggressively expecting others to mind-read. Mars in Cancer can become particularly sulky when feeling neglected or overlooked. Yet, not speaking up can lead to simmering resentment and emotional outbursts. This is when we can see glimmers of the notorious ‘Fallen’ Mars. 


Mars in Cancer squares the Nodes of the Moon in Aries and Libra on September 15. This configuration brings our attention to skipped developmental steps or places where we haven’t fully matured emotionally: in particular, it highlights the need to address the root of challenges with expressing anger, asserting ourselves and our needs, and taking action on our desires. Family issues are also likely to be in the spotlight these days.

Mars is going to trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces on September 30. The Mars-Saturn trine supports our capacity to act in a consistent and focused manner. This alignment reminds us of the value of perseverance and patience and motivates us to think for the long term.

Mars is forming a sextile to retrograde Uranus in Taurus on October 24. This aspect reminds us to follow our path even when it deviates from societal expectations and supports our ability to pursue unconventional solutions and find new ways of doing things.

On October 28, Mars in Cancer trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces. The Mars-Neptune alignment invites us to act on our dreams and allow our intuition, inspiration, and spiritual values to guide our actions.

Mars is going to oppose Pluto in Capricorn on November 3, just a few hours before entering Leo. The Mars-Pluto opposition can bring to the surface underlying conflicts, power struggles, and deep-seated tensions, both on a global scale and in our personal lives. This alignment marks a time of critical turning points and significant breakthroughs: however, Mars-Pluto energy requires careful handling to avoid destructive outcomes.


Prepare for your emotions to be particularly intense going forward, Aries. It would be helpful to focus on how you communicate your passions and build your emotional resilience. You may be experiencing a major focus on home matters, too. You could be busy with a renovation, redecorating your living space, on the hunt to move or already planning to do so. If for some reason you’re centred on important family situations, handle them with grace so they don’t ruffle your feathers. Working to unite your family as a team could work well now.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


Life will feel like it’s roaring forth with so much more momentum at this time, Taurus. Not only will your social life likely be extra active, but you’ll be experiencing the hustle and bustle with close friends, neighbours or even siblings. Meeting new people now could be extra fun and you’ll likely see eye to eye. On another note, this energy could have you travelling a bit, especially to nearby destinations or even playing tourist in your town. Last to note, there may be extra emphasis on your ideas and communication abilities, especially in regard to contracts or writing or speaking initiatives. Learn a new skill or work on a stimulating project!

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


Prepare for money to be an extra big focus for quite some time, Gemini. On one hand, this could be excellent as you’re feeling more supercharged than ever to make more and build your nest egg up like a vast kingdom of gold. If seeking better-paying jobs or to take on more clients, go for it! However, this energy could also bring friction or tension around money, especially if you’re spending through your bank accounts faster than you’re making it. If you are sensing this is the way things are tipping, be sure to consult a financial advisor or draft up a budget.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


Feel the fire course through you now, Cancer! You’re ready to conquer your reality and launch major projects and plans, personally and professionally. You’re likely noticing your confidence soar and you won’t hear “no” for an answer about nearly anything. On a positive note, this is an excellent time to get your ducks in a row and put the pieces in place to launch new initiatives now and again next spring. When it comes to your personal life, you’ll be feeling more magnetic and energised, so consider how you take the lead in this arena or work on improving your health.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


A peculiar energy seems to be upon you now, Leo. You love being in the limelight, but sometimes there is a time to move forward and another time to look back. Appreciate stillness now. In a practical sense, you could quite literally be very busy working on projects or plans behind the scenes or developing them for you to launch later this year or in 2025. If for some reason you’re feeling a bit anxious or even attacked by an unknown source or hidden enemy, try damage control and lie low. It’s best to avoid conflict now.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


The universe is especially vibrant for you now, Virgo. It will likely feel like you’re constantly on the run to many fabulous events and engagements. Expect your social calendar to fill up quite quickly and the group chat to be firing off nonstop! One of the best ways of harnessing this energy is to focus on meeting new friends to expand your circle or lining up special events to connect with those who you adore. It could also be quite possible that you’re actively working and planning something special, whether that’s with your crew or even involving community engagement. Singles may also find there’s a great deal more fire in their dating life and you could even turn a friend or an acquaintance into a sweetheart. Last to note is that some of you may be on the breaking point to reach a major personal milestone, an aspiration or a long-term goal. Keep at it!

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


One of the best things about you, Libra, is that you often can juggle many different things all at once. Yet, there’s going to be a very significant long-term trend focusing on your professional life, career or legacy. You could be actively seeking to build it, where you achieve many major milestones or instead fighting to get ahead. On a positive note, if you hustle extra hard now, you’ll soon have all of your strategic plans in place and can leave an imprint where you want it. If you are in search of a better position with more money or power, use the cosmic vibes to champion forth.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


When you’re in a groove, Scorpio, you like to stay in your lane until you’ve achieved what you have had your mind focused on. Meanwhile, the universe is actually encouraging you to shake up your routine, be more spontaneous and roll the dice to try your luck! Life isn’t about sitting in your box at this time, it’s about going big and reaching vast new horizons and heights. On a physical level, you may be deeply engaged with travel or international relations, business or immigration. You could also be eager to attack a media endeavour, academic goal or important legalities. Regardless, you have energy on your side to look at the world through new perspectives and test the mettle of your beliefs.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


Get ready for a long-term focus on wealth, Sagittarius. Fortunately, you may find that you can pull in major money now, whether that be through an inheritance, royalties and bonuses or even assets and investments. If you need big capital to achieve your goals, seek lines of credit, venture capital or other avenues. It is also very important to keep your eyes on where everything is going because while you could make a lot more at this time, you could also be burning through big cash faster than you’re making it — so don’t be too impulsive at this time. Last to note is that this energy could instead see you deeply focused on winning or securing a settlement.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


While you can certainly have an independent streak, Capricorn, the cosmos are not encouraging this mentality at this time. In truth, you will not go quite as far on your own and instead, you should be looking for the perfect partner — in business, collaboration or love — who matches you. By working in tandem, you will be able to tackle major plans, projects and dreams. If single, keep your eyes out there for someone with long-term potential. If in a relationship, you may instead find that you’re focusing on situations like moving in, getting engaged or becoming wed.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


Life certainly has its ebbs and flows, Aquarius, and you are presently in a major period of flow! Productivity is the name of the game now. Note, though, that it's also important to keep a healthy work-life balance, although that may be a bit hard with all of the projects and plans heading your way. You may find yourself focusing deeply on collaboration and coworkers tackling initiatives. You may also notice that there’s tension or friction in the workplace. If you’re out of work or don’t have enough on your plate, you must make fast tracks to apply everywhere — luck could be on your side. Lastly, if you want to see major results in health, fitness or diet, draw up a plan and set forth now!

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.


Get ready for a wonderful period of passion, Pisces! In truth, you may enjoy all of this energy more than any other zodiac sign. This is because there is a long-term focus on your heart’s desires, romance, creativity, fertility, hobbies, sports — and above all, fun! This is one of the best periods ever for singles to line up many sexy suitors because your dating life could be electric. If in a committed relationship, you could also harness this energy to enjoy more sweet moments with your lover or reignite your spark. Diving into creative projects and hobbies would also bring you so much joy and you could win great attention with them now.

Don't forget to read your Weekly or your Monthly Horoscope.