mercury in pisces

The upcoming Mercury transit into Pisces, which begins on 14 February, is expected to bring about a significant shift in the way we communicate and process information. Mercury in Pisces is known for its dreamy, intuitive, and imaginative qualities. When Mercury transits Pisces, emotions are everything. Our thoughts and feelings are coloured first and foremost by our emotions, and thinking is most definitely done more with the heart than with the head. 

Pisces is expansive and intuitive, a sign which belongs to the planet Neptune. Mercury is the planet whose influence is cerebral and it rules over our business acumen, communications, swiftness, humour and knowledge. Mercury in an expansive water sign like Pisces, tends to make it hyper imaginative and intuitive.

Mercury in Pisces

in a natal horoscope

During this period, people may find themselves more in touch with their emotions and intuition, making it a favourable time for creative endeavours, artistic expression, and deep introspection. Conversations may take on a more compassionate and empathetic tone as people become more attuned to the feelings and needs of others. Pisces energy is exceptionally sensitive, so when Mercury is in Pisces, we are very easily moved, both to laughter and to tears.

We may be more sensitive, just, sympathetic, good-humoured, poetic, intuitive and imaginative, whilst being a little shy and reserved. Self-confidence is lessened in intellectual matters preferring to evaluate situations on the intuitive and imaginative level, feeling your way through our situation rather than reasoning and evaluating events.

On occasion our mind may be overpowered by deep emotional eruptions and to retain balance you will need to seek peace, quiet and seclusion.

On a mundane level, people in business and professions that require swiftness in decisions like stocks, trading, driving, adventure sports etc. will benefit from a strong Mercury. But Mercury in Pisces can make one overconfident and overlook some details which may be vital in the bigger picture. It may also cause miscommunications which may have repercussions. It is a general advice to all to think twice before signing any document.

But beware; the Pisces archetype simply involves the duality between conscious and unconscious, a simple choice to do good or bad. For a Pisces, it feels the same whether it is swimming up or down, and this shows us that in Pisces it is often difficult to distinguish between good and bad!

Τhis transit can also make communication somewhat elusive, as Pisces tends to blur the lines between reality and fantasy. Misunderstandings and confusion may arise if we're not careful with our words, so it's important to be clear and direct in our communication while allowing room for the magic of Piscean intuition.

This placement of Mercury is powerful for creative endeavours of all kinds such as acting, writing, art, poetry, singing, music or humanitarian work.

On 25 February, Mercury will form a conjunction with Saturn at 21 degrees Pisces. This alignment may bring a sense of seriousness and practicality to our thoughts and communication. It's a time when we are likely to focus on structured and disciplined thinking, making it an opportune moment for planning, organising, and setting clear goals in our lives.

Moving forward to 2 March, Mercury will create a conjunction with Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces. This conjunction with the dreamy and imaginative Neptune can bring a highly creative and intuitive energy to our minds. However, it's essential to be aware of potential confusion or deception in communication during this period, as Neptune's influence can blur the lines between reality and illusion. It's an ideal time for artistic and spiritual pursuits but also a reminder to maintain clarity in important matters.

Discover how your zodiac sign can make the most of Mercury in Pisces


Mercury in Pisces may bring you lack of confidence in communicating your ideas. You should be extra careful about your speech as it may bring you some serious losses. You may have nervous problems or nervousness in general. You will always have the confidence to face any situation but for the coming weeks your normal impulsiveness will be tamed by a desire to think more deeply and to consider many alternative options. You should take good care of your health and sleeping patterns.  


Mercury is going to its eleventh house during this transit of Mercury in Pisces. This is a tricky period when it comes to investments. Do take care of your savings. You may experience problems with speech and you could say out things which are unnecessary, and that will bring you trouble. You may face criticisms for expressing certain opinions and could ruin some relationships, hence please be wary of your speech. But the aspect of the fifth house will help students gain more mastery over languages. If married and attempting to have a child, this is the ripe time. You may hook up with someone from your friend's circle.


This is a time you would criticise yourself for putting too much energy into your work. You will have to strike a balance between work and personal life. You will work hard without giving any importance to your personal and family life. You will also have issues with self confidence during this time. Your domestic space will be filled with love and happiness. You may buy a new vehicle. You will get extra support and care from your mother. You will enjoy the support of your family. 


This time sure calls for disappointment in not being able to travel as per the plans. You may have to be careful about the health of your father. You may feel disconnected from religion and spirituality during this transit of Mercury in Pisces. You may have to regret certain past actions as the skeletons from the past may show up now. Nevertheless you may get the full support of your siblings. You will be more courageous and enterprising during this phase.


When Mercury transits Pisces, it transits one of the most psychologically sensitive areas of your chart, Leo. This can be hard work – expect to feel tearful, often, even without being able to pinpoint the reasons why. You will also experience a renewed and fresh flow of ideas, and your speech will be more attractive. This may not be a right time to invest but your savings would or if you have invested there is a great chance that you may regret some of them. During this period you may find out that one of your friends is or was a backstabber.


This is not a favourable time for partnerships. You should be careful while dealing with the business partners. You should be careful in your communications with your spouse as well. You may experience miscommunications and misunderstandings between you both. But you will have the good wisdom and diplomacy to deal with it in a proper way. You should communicate openly (but also cautiously) with your partner on the professional and personal front. That will save you some serious trouble.


With Mercury in Pisces transiting your health zone, Libra, you may start to feel worried or anxious about your own wellbeing. Put your mind at rest with a visit to your doctor. It’s your mental health that is most likely to need attention during this transit, but it’s a very positive time for dealing with depression, anxiety, OCD, fears and phobias. Friends and family will show you how loved and cherished you are, so you are working from a strong base of support. Also, with Mercury in Pisces communicating will not be your strongest point so try not to make new enemies due to misunderstandings. Hence it will be preferable to bite your tongue as and when it is necessary.


Mercury is transiting your fifth house. This may cause problems in your love affair, if you have any. There are bound to be misunderstandings and break ups. You may also feel compelled to do some investments due to the lucrative offers given. But please be warned that they may have some hidden print which you may not read, leading to losses. Students may find this time tough and full of anxiety. They may have documentation troubles and problems with communications. But you will have a push to socialise and you will be quite a social butterfly during this transit of Mercury in Pisces. You will communicate more with your friends.


It is all chilling time for you. But you may face a lack of communication with your wife. You may not feel understood, hence left out. There will be a mother versus wife situation. You may have to do the right rope walk! Make sure you are diplomatic. You may not feel that the home environment is peaceful. There could be arguments. That is why Mercury in Pisces urges you to make your home your sanctuary. It’s also an important time for forgiveness, particularly for family members who have hurt you in the past. Forgive yourself too – self-compassion is very important now. But you will do well on your job front. You may feel a little insecure about your job, but you will work smart and make a mark.


Activating your communication zone as it does, Capricorns are significantly more affected by this Mercury in Pisces transit. Your normal no-nonsense demeanour may become rather more introverted and passive, even anxious. You’ll be called to confront some tough feelings, a difficult task for you since it’s not easy for you to put them into words. Writing down how you feel may help. Moreover, Mercury’s transit in Pisces will bring problems in your communications. Therefore you should be careful about what you place in social media.


This Mercury in Pisces transit occurs in your money zone, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself drawn to comfort spending as you try to deal with complex emotions. You may have issues with investments. Before stepping into investments, seek proper guidance. This area of your chart also relates to values and self-esteem, so you may find creative visualisation helpful in boosting your own view of yourself and improving how much you value yourself. There’s a strong spiritual understanding of abundance and money here.


With Mercury transiting your own sign, your sensitive, imaginative, intuitive nature can be fully expressed. This would be a very good time for sharing your spiritual gifts, doing any kind of psychic work, or learning more about your chosen spiritual path. Mercury’s inherent rationality is also helpful to you now, calming and soothing those tumultuous emotions, and enabling you to see more clearly than you did before.