The Moon in Aries
Instinctive and spontaneous, you form judgments instantly. Your enthusiasm is easily aroused, as is your anger. You may come across as self-absorbed because you’re more insecure than you let on, and you’re often remarkably competitive.

The Moon in Taurus
The Moon in this position gives you great powers of concentration. You live your life the way you tackle a job: systematically and getting it done right.

The Moon in Gemini
You’re flighty, friendly, dashing, and articulate. You express yourself with wit and intelligence, even if you strike people as glib or superficial. Nervous and high-strung, you take an essentially mental approach to matters of the heart.

The Moon in Cancer
The Moon rules the sign of the Crab, so no matter what else is happening in your chart, you’re a lunar person: moody, receptive, sentimental, vulnerable, and supremely aware of the continual flux of emotions.

The Moon in Leo
A Leo Moon adds warmth, dazzle, and exuberance to any Sun sign. Generous, devoted, and lively, you love to laugh and are gifted with presence and joie de vivre.

The Moon in Virgo
Emotionally timid and unobtrusive, you’d rather repress your emotions than articulate them. You find it difficult to confront seriοus issues.

The Moon in Libra
You’re gracious, romantic, and artistic. You shun vulgarity, value courtesy and elegance, and try to convey your feelings in a calm, diplomatic manner.

The Moon in Scorpio
Passionate and easily injured, you’re one complicated puppy. Willful, intense, and occasionally self-destructive, your emotions — to quote the novelist and poet Herman Melville — rush like “herds of walruses and whales” beneath the surface of your personality.
Read more: The Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Sagittarius
You’re philosophical, outspoken, cheerful, uninhibited, well-intentioned, unrealistic on occasion, and idealistic — sometimes pathetically so.
Read more: The Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Capricorn
You’re steady, reserved, self-reliant, ambitious, and well-disciplined. Even when you were small, you were serious, and the playfulness of childhood may have eluded you. Now, ever the realist, you recognise both your strengths and your limitations.
Read more: The Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Aquarius
In your mind’s eye, you’re out to improve the world. With your progressive instincts and sympathy for others, you have the ability to alter lives for the better.
Read more: The Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Pisces
You’re gentle, sentimental, sympathetic, and ultrasensitive. Easily wounded and often shy, you feel like a hostage to your own emotions, which are difficult to control or conceal.