You are characterised by your toughness, your aggressiveness, your entrepreneurship and your originality. You carry an explosive temper that you must learn to control. Fortunately, you don't hold on to your anger. After your anger explodes, it evaporates. Enthusiastic, assertive, and daring, you’re a natural leader who commands attention even without seeking it.

If your natal Mars is in Taurus, you tend to triumph through your own determined and persistent efforts. You’re a hard-working, down-to-earth person with plenty of stamina, great passion and great sexual drive.

Υou’re high-spirited, argumentative, nervous, and irritable. Your energy waxes and wanes, sometimes with startling speed. You tend to waste your physical energy in various activities.

You’re an inherently emotional person who needs to get a handle on your moods before you can successfully accomplish your goals. You are tender, romantic, introverted, structured, sensual, traditional, and very protective. You are very ambitious and industrious but unfortunate and changeable.

This is an excellent position for Mars for you. This enables a great deal of progress to be made in life providing a reasonable line of thought and action is maintained. You are confident, warm, high spirited, and you willingly take the first step in any situation. You always want to try your luck, figuratively and literally.

Mars is not well-placed in this position. Although it indicates a blending of physical, mental, and mechanical ability it creates a degree of touchiness, hence you are easily excited to impulsive and unpremeditated action which disturbs the existing trend of affairs.

At your best, you’re friendly, flirtatious, charming, and stylish. But you’re at a loss without a partner. In your love life, and even at work, you’re happier when you have a partner.

Blessed with fierce willpower and unwavering desires, you’re highly sexed and intensely emotional. You’re courageous, cunning, determined and self-sufficient. You are quick and acute in judgement. You have a designing intellect with an intense devotion to any sort of study which you undertake.

Independent and enthusiastic, you have strong convictions, a love of the outdoors, and a deep desire for adventure. You have a very impulsive nature and sometimes you are over enthusiastic. But you can be slapdash and defiant, and your crusades, so eagerly launched, don’t always reach completion.
Read more: Mars in Sagittarius

Your desires, sexual and otherwise, are strong, your ambitions focused. You have the capacity to make headway and progress in life and not let obstruction, interference, or jealousy of others prevent you from doing so. Your physical energy is directed to your work, because this is how you can prove your worth.

You are an intellectual, quick witted and he possesses a scientific mind. Whenever possible, you prefer the road less travelled. You are very interested in humanitarian work and frequently connected with hospitable activities. You are fond of working for friends, clubs and groups of people as you desire to put new life into them. You’re independent, idealistic, and friendly. You need to be free.

You aren't particularly dynamic and you are characterised by secrecy, gullibility, introspection and illusions. When the emotional din becomes more than you can tolerate, you shut down. When that happens, your willpower evaporates, you have trouble getting motivated, you drive friends insane with your passivity, and your physical energy disappears.