The placement of the lunar nodes in your natal chart can provide insights into your karmic patterns and the challenges and opportunities that you may face in this life. It can also help you to identify areas where you need to grow and develop. The meaning of the lunar nodes in each sign can be further explored by considering the characteristics of the sign.

North Node in Aries-South Node in Libra

The North Node in Aries-South Node in Libra in the natal chart is known as the “housewife” position. However, this isn’t how it always actually works out. This position is more about being trapped within yourself (instead of trapped in a specific role) and trapped by the opinions of others. It has much less to do with gender and much more to do with self-restriction. You yearn to move in the Aries direction, toward assertiveness, self-sufficiency, and bold action. When you obey your impulses and act independently, you flourish. But all too often, instead of mustering up the courage you need, you give your power away to others.  If you have a Libra South node, you don’t trust yourself to make decisions and rely on the opinions of others, much like the classic housewife. You may fear that if you assert yourself fully, you’ll never find the relationship you want (or you’ll destroy the relationship you have). On the contrary: Submerging your identity in another person is a mistake. Ultimately, the more independent you are, the more content you will be, whether you’re in a relationship or not.

North Node in Taurus-South Node in Scorpio

Sex, lies, manipulation, and other people’s money fascinate you, as do the churning melodramas and intense relationships you often attract. Trouble  is, after a while, those soap operas start to go stale. Rather than continuing to immerse yourself in the sturm und drang of your obsessions, you gain from building a secure base for yourself. Your  best moves are to gather the material resources you need (however slowly), to cultivate patience, and to let your most cherished values be your guide. What you need above all is self-worth. And it wouldn’t hurt you to learn to manage money.

North Node in Gemini-South Node in Sagittarius

How delightful to sit around theorising about life, death, and the meaning of existence. How nice to know it all. And what a pleasure to convey your brilliant thoughts  to your grateful audience (or, in any case, to your beleaguered friends and family). Sadly, it’s also a waste of energy. With your unstoppable curiosity and ability to communicate, you benefit from accumulating information and employing it for useful purposes. You’re a journalist, an artist, a teacher — a clear thinker, yes, but get the facts. Leave those philosophical musings on the conundrums of life to others. You have too much to do in the here and now.

North Node in Cancer-South Node in Capricorn

Ambitious and controlling, you readily accept responsibility because you’re intent on achieving respect and gaining a position in society. Yet that’s not where your greatest joy lies. Despite your thirst for authority and status, you have a more compelling need for home, family, and emotional security. Although revealing your hopes and fears may cause you to feel distressingly weak, the key to your evolution rests in your ability to trust and to act in a caring fashion.

North Node in Leo-South Node in Aquarius

Many problems need to be addressed these days, and you’d like to do your part. You’d be delighted to devote yourself to an organisation with a noble purpose — at least you think you would be. In fact, though, your fulfilment lies elsewhere. To be the person you were meant to be, you must risk expressing your desires, no matter how selfish that may seem. As admirable as it seems, quietly striving for peace on Earth won’t bring you happiness. The issue is simple: You don’t want to be an anonymous part of a crowd. You need an outlet for self-expression and you need to be acclaimed for what you are, quirks and all.

North Node in Virgo-South Node in Pisces

The realm of the spirit has an irresistible pull for you. But immersing yourself in that world can feed your escapist tendencies. You’re better off putting away your Ouija board and attending to the routine details that vex us all, as boring as they may seem. Your need to be a victim or a martyr (the two can be indistinguishable) is chilling, and your sense of inferiority limits your possibilities. Your path to fulfilment runs straight through the workaday world of getting organised, returning phone calls, taking care of business, and being conscious of the needs of others. You don’t need to sacrifice yourself. You just need to focus. Pay attention to the small stuff, and you’ll be amazed at how contented you will feel.

North Node in Libra-South Node in Aries

You’re courageous, daring, and self-reliant. You’re comfortable asserting yourself (even if you do have a temper), and you’re an effective leader and decision-maker. But you’re also self-centred, and the advantages of a loving partnership may elude you. Your challenge is to cooperate, be supportive, and mind  the needs of others (listening is key). By balancing their needs with your own, you move in the direction of inner peace and contentment.

North Node in Scorpio-South Node in Taurus

You think of yourself as a practical person who allocates your resources, financial and otherwise, with care. You believe that material security provides the foundation for psychological strength. You can keep that fantasy if you wish, but you should know that your deepest fulfilment has little to do with material possessions or sensual pleasures, much as you appreciate them. Instead, you benefit from digging into your psyche, sharing your secrets, and dredging up the courage to overcome your resistance to change. In truth, you crave nothing short of total metamorphosis. By getting involved with others and learning to accept their input, you can, at minimum, begin that process.

North Node in Sagittarius-South Node in Gemini

It’s easy for you to stumble into a life of trivial pursuits or to get lost in a labyrinth of personal gossip, rumour-mongering websites, and a never-ending supply of celebrity scandals. But just as George Clooney is not your boyfriend, the path of supermarket tabloids (and other time wasters) is not right for you. With your North Node in the sign of religion, law, travel, and education, you need to get your mind around the big picture. Seek knowledge. Learn a language. Look for a philosophy that aids your understanding. On antique maps, areas of unexplored territory were decorated with images of dragons, which were meant to warn travellers away. You need to sail into those unknown waters, dragons and all. Exercise helps. Spending time in nature is also valuable. Above all, you need to trust your intuition and step into the world. That’s where you can find the balm you need the most: adventure.

North Node in Capricorn-South Node in Cancer

You have a streak of domesticity, an interest in the past, and a lively appreciation for the  simple pleasures of home and family. Alas, as lovely as that sounds, it’s not your path. Instead, you require real-world achievements, the kind that are born in ambition, shaped through self-discipline, and rewarded with money and prestige. Much as you adore your home and family, you won’t gain much satisfaction sitting in the parlour. And although your shifting moods may distract and disturb you, you still need to exercise your talents — despite your fears and insecurities. You have the ability to achieve your goals and to influence the wider community. Knowing  that the fates are with you may boost your confidence and help you recognize opportunities.

North Node in Aquarius-South Node in Leo

Creative self-expression comes easily to you, and you attract the kind of notice that most people never get. You know what you want and you have the drive to get it. But you’re inclined to take over, and you overwhelm people with the force of your personality. For true growth, you need to team up with others and broaden your vision. Getting involved in a societal cause is a wonderful step for you. By attaching your urge for self-expression to a cause that’s larger than yourself, you transcend your ego and move in the direction of fulfilment.

North Node in Pisces-South Node in Virgo

Work we must: That’s your motto. You have a legion of responsibilities, and you get so caught up in those dreary tasks that there’s room for nothing else. To combat anxiety, you do your best to maintain order and to repel the encroaching forces of chaos. But there’s only so much you can do. You certainly can’t allow yourself to drift. And yet, drift you must. By letting your mind wander, by putting aside your dreaded to-do list, and by being alert to your dreams and fantasies, you allow yourself to glimpse another aspect of experience and to explore the province of the spirit. Yoga, meditation, and anything that can help you relax are indispensable tools. Your ultimate goal is enlightenment.