
Midpoint theory appeared in an early form during the Middle Ages by Guido Bonatti, but they were developed mainly in the 20th century by the German astrologers Alfred Witte and Reinhold Ebertin. Reinhold Ebertin made Midpoints theory widely known and respected with his book “The Combination of Stellar Influences”. He was made famous after the 60’s, when his books were translated.

Midpoint has not a physical sustenance like a planet, but is a logical-mathematical reference point in a horoscope that has a specific meaning.

Midpoint, as the name suggests, is the middle distance between any two Planets, Points (Asc, MC), Asteroids, Moon’s Nodes, or Uranian Astrology’s Hypothetical Planets.   

Midpoint marks the point where two of a horoscope’s archetype factors come into contact with each other. In that particular point absolute balance and perfect blending is achieved. The Midpoints interpretation derives from the combination of various keywords between the two conjoining parts.

E.g. Venus (union) - Mars (physical energy)= sexual union 



As much as it seems difficult to find midpoints, as soon as you find the first and you figure how they work, the rest will come easier for you. To make your life easier, use any astrological program on your computer.

For those who want to find them by hand, this is what you have to do. First, you have to convert the zodiac position of a Planet (or any point, like Asc or Mc) into Modulus position. Bear in mind that each zodiac sign has 30 degrees, which are cumulative, starting from 0 Aries.


e.g Taurus has a distance from 0 Aries 30 degrees, Gemini has a distance from 0 Aries 60 degrees, Cancer has a distance from 0 Aries 30 degrees 90 degrees, and so goes on.]


Then we take the two modulus positions and add them together. Then we take the result and divide it in two. Then we take the new modulus position and convert it to the zodiac position.


Example 1

The Sun is in the 21st degree Leo. Leo has Modulus position 120. We add 21 degrees to 120 and we have the Modulus position 141 (120 Modulus position+21 degrees=141).

The Moon is in the 17h degree Scorpio. Scorpio has Modulus position 210. We add 17 degrees to 210 and we have the Modulus position 141 (210 Modulus position+ 17 degrees=227).

Modulus Position 1 (141) + Modulus Position 2 (227) = 368:2=184.

As we see Libra has modulus position 180. 184-180=4. The remaining number 4 is the 4th degree Libra. Thus the Sun/Moon MP is 4th degree Libra.    


There are two kinds of midpoints, direct and indirect. Direct midpoints are those where the astrological factors come into balance (as we have seen previously) and its opposite point. Indirect midpoints are those points which aspect the direct midpoints from an angle of 45, 90, and 135 degrees


Example 2

Direct Sun/Moon MP, 4th degree Libra. Direct MP, 4th degree Aries.

Indirect Sun/Moon MP 4th degree Cancer-Capricorn, 19th degree Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius.


The maximum orb of Midpoints is two degrees. In transits and progressions this orb is reduced to one degree.


Example 3

John in his natal horoscope has Sun/Moon MP in the 5th degree Cancer. His radix Jupiter is positioned there. Thus makes this equation: Sun/Moon=Jupiter. John has a perfect mental and emotional balance. He is happy and he loves to be with others around him. He may be overly optimistic.

Jenny has in her natal horoscope Venus/Mars MP in 17th degree Capricorn. In that degree is also her radix Mercury. Thus makes this equation: Venus/Mars=Mercury.  Jenny had always thought about love and marriage. She may want to have many children.



As with astrological aspects, midpoints also represent a way to connect separate individual components within the horoscope. Using aspects and midpoints allows us to combine and merge diverse influences into tangible expressions -and interpretive impressions- that are profoundly useful in the analysis of the horoscope.

However, instead of the two planets or points involved with an aspect relationship, there are three distinct components represented by a midpoint picture. Because midpoints represent more combinations than can be efficiently integrated into an aspect grid, a different way is required to express and concisely describe these three-way interactions. Midpoint relationship is expressed in equation form as:



The Moon is referred to as the Focal Point. Mars/Jupiter is the midpoint, and the whole equation is called the midpoint picture.

The midpoint picture describes in astrological shorthand how the Focal Point connects with, is merged with, and is coloured by the meanings of the other two planets or points. 



Midpoints are triggered either by transits or progressions. The most influential aspect of all is the conjunction. Midpoint points can also be triggered only by hard aspects, like semi-square (45°), square (90°) and sesquisquare (135°).

Example 4

Gus has transiting Sun over his Mars/North Node MP (cooperation, groups of people who want to play sports). This is the time that Gus is thinking very seriously to join a football team.



In synastry, it is very possible for two people to come together, not by direct influence of the aspects between the planets as much as indirectly. The indirect influence comes when the planets from person A trigger person B’s Midpoints.

Example 5

Bill meets Kelly. Bill has Moon/Venus MP (love and devotion) in 23rd degree Pisces. That MP is not active. But Kelly has her radix Jupiter there, thus triggering Bill’s Moon/Venus MP. When Bill met Kelly he instantly wanted to devote himself to her and seeing in her the perfect wife and the future mother of his children


MIDPOINTS are an advanced astrological technique. But it is recommended for those who want to give a more thorough interpretation in any kind of horoscope.



Sun/Moon: Health balance, the two sexes (male and female)

Moon/Venus: Motherhood, affection, devotion, love

Mercury/Neptune: Imagination, telepathy, mental confusion.

Venus/Pluto: Artistic creations, sensuality

Mars/Saturn: Death, extreme endurance, blocked energy, weakness.

Jupiter/Pluto: Fame

Neptune/Uranus: Revolution