ALDEBARAN | The Eye of the Bull
Aldebaran is the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus and has been an element of interest among astrologers for thousands of years. Learn its astrological meaning and how this fixed star can further get you to your leadership potential and striving ambition to succeed.
Read more: ALDEBARAN | The Eye of the Bull
VEGA | The Vulture Star VEGA | The Vulture Star Alias vega Content Images and Links
In the realm of fixed star astrology, Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, holds a significant place. It's associated with a multitude of potent astrological influences, often regarded as beneficial in a natal chart.
Read more: VEGA | The Vulture Star VEGA | The Vulture Star Alias vega Content Images and Links
ALGORAB: The Raven's Eye
Algorab, also known as Delta Corvi, is a double star in the constellation Corvus, the Crow. It has been associated with malefic (negative) influences in traditional astrology, and is sometimes referred to as the "bane star" or the "star of the crow."
Read more: ALGORAB: The Raven's Eye
ALGOL (caput) | The "Demon" Star
Algol, known colloquially as the Demon Star, is a bright multiple star in the constellation of Perseus and one of the first non-nova variable stars to be discovered. As Robson states, "It is the most evil star in the heavens".
Read more: ALGOL (caput) | The "Demon" Star