Uranus, the planet of rebellion, innovation, and sudden change, spends about seven years in each zodiac sign. Here's a look at how Uranus manifests in each sign...

Uranus in Aries (2010 to 2019)

You’re feisty, bold, indomitable, and impatient, and you value your freedom to an extraordinary degree. You’re a pioneering spirit, brave at your core. When change is called for, you rush in, preferring the risks of being impulsive to the so-called safety of the slow-and-sensible approach. You are a pioneer and trendsetter, often breaking new ground in your field. You’re intrepid and inventive, even if your enthusiasms do flicker on and off. Change exhilarates you. You may be prone to sudden bursts of energy and impulsive decisions.

Uranus in Taurus (2018 to 2026)

Once you admit that you want something and begin going after it, nothing can stop you. Your willpower helps you overcome all obstacles. You also feel strongly about money and possessions and you may suffer financial ups and downs. You gravitate toward concrete, innovative methods of making money.

Uranus in Gemini (1942 to 1949)

You’re clever, inquisitive, nervous, chatty, versatile, and mentally restless. You deal with change by reframing it — you’d rather feel like an unconscious architect of your own fate than like a victim of circumstance. You gravitate toward original ideas and new ways of communicating. You’re also easily distracted with a tendency to procrastinate.

Uranus in Cancer (1949 to 1956)

You have an active imagination, a sensitive disposition, and an unusual family life. You may move frequently  or experience disruptions in your home life. Much as you long for the security of a nuclear family, you also rebel against it, and when you’re in  a traditional family (or even a standard-issue house), you may alter its structure.

Uranus in Leo (1956 to 1962)

Assertive and freewheeling, ardent and talented, you enthusiastically throw yourself into creative endeavours. Offbeat love affairs (the more reckless the better) entice and excite you, and you approach times of change with gusto. But you can also be egotistical, imperious, and — in a word —  obnoxious.

Uranus in Virgo (1962 to 1969)

Even though you have an acute and analytical mind, you rebel against routine — especially on the job, where  your need for freedom takes you in surprising directions. Your approach to science, technology, and health is both original and practical. And although you rebel against routines enforced by others, you’re skilled at creating your own highly individual, compulsively followed patterns.

Uranus in Libra (1969 to 1975)

You’re imaginative and artistic, although members of other generations may be appalled at your taste. They may also be surprised by your relationships, romantic and otherwise, because you’re attracted to unusual people and situations. In many ways your generation is forging an innovative approach to relationships — one that incorporates a high degree of personal freedom. Still, in times of stress, you’re happiest with a companion by your side.

Uranus in Scorpio (1975 to 1981)

Deeply intuitive and strong-willed, you’re charismatic and determined, with unusual attitudes toward sex and death, subjects of eternal fascination to you. Sudden infatuations and lengthy obsessions may plague you. Finances also absorb you, and you may experience sudden economic shifts. You’re resourceful and unafraid, and when change is in the air, you choose to experience it deeply and consciously, with an eye to the future.

Uranus in Sagittarius (1981 to 1988)

You’re optimistic and free-spirited, with large aspirations. You resent naysayers who denigrate your dreams, and you refuse to be constrained by practical concerns. You’d like to see the world — but not by following someone else’s itinerary. You’d like to achieve spiritual enlightenment — but you rebel against standard religions. Travel and education excite you — but only when you approach them in your own unique ways. You feel liberated by the forces of change.

Uranus in Capricorn (1988 to 1996)

You’re ambitious, responsible, and methodical. Yet you instinctively shun the prescribed path and the old- fashioned hierarchy. As a result, your career takes some surprising turns. If you can express your individuality within an organisation or a system, fine. If not, your deep sense of discomfort forces you to bring it  to its knees and create an entirely new system. You’re a force for constructive change.

Uranus in Aquarius (1996 to 2003)

You’re tolerant, unsentimental, humanitarian, and inventive. A nonconformist and idealist at heart, you celebrate individuality in others and number many oddballs among your friends. Amazing coincidences and strokes of luck characterise  your life. Uranus works well in Aquarius, so when you embrace change, your world opens up. When you resist it, unhappiness follows. This is also a fine placement for scientific and technological explorations.

Uranus in Pisces (2003 to 2011)

Imaginative, talented, and intuitive, you’re susceptible to strange dreams and psychic flashes. You have a deep sense of compassion and an attraction to unusual forms of spirituality, although you may suffer from feelings of alienation or isolation. At these times, escapism beckons and your willpower needs support. Art and spiritual pursuits provide a fulfilling path for you.