solar eclipse libra 2024

The Solar Eclipse in Libra is great energy for focusing on our relationships and connections with others. The Sun and Moon will conjoin at 11 degrees (10 degrees 4 minutes), in the partnership-oriented sign of Libra. Even if you can’t see it, this solar eclipse will initiate new connections, partnerships, and unified endeavours in the birth charts of every zodiac sign, inspiring everyone to seek out those that are open to fair and balanced dynamics.
Eclipses are, by nature, not always easy. They require some sort of sacrifice in order to bring their gifts. Everything is amplified, expanded, more intense. For those of you with planets between 10 and 12 degrees of the Cardinal signs – Libra, Aries, Capricorn or Cancer – this is going to be a very impactful period. Over the next six months up to two years, powerful shifts are on the cards.

Libra is the sign of the other people in our lives, with Solar Eclipses being great for any new beginnings. We can welcome new people into our lives, make new commitments to new people, or strengthen existing commitments with loved ones. Collectively, this Eclipse is about fine-tuning your relationships, and deciding which ones are working for you, and which ones aren’t. Sometimes, in order to balance the scales, you have to have to completely let go. For example, some relationships may end so that better, more balanced connections can take their place. If your relationships have been out of whack, expect this rare solar eclipse to bring powerful new beginnings to the area where you’ve found it difficult to keep the peace. 

Libra rules balance, so the Libra Solar Eclipse provides an opportunity to get balanced. Focus on the areas you haven't had as much time for, and try to give them some attention. Conversely, get a break from the areas that have sucked up all of your time and energy. Getting balanced helps you feel more secure, stable, and comfortable.

Libra rules justice, fairness, and equality, so the Libra Solar Eclipse can make this more important to us all. We can get upset if things don't seem fair, and we can work at changing that for the better.

This is the second Solar Eclipse in Libra for this eclipse set; eclipses occur in sets of opposing Zodiac signs, and this is part of the Libra-Aries eclipse set. This is the last Libra eclipse for this set as we started the Pisces-Virgo set in September with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse.

What is focused on now, the developments that occur, or what we want to start now can tie into the Libra Solar Eclipse from last year, and we may continue on what we already started, or take a chance to do something we didn't get to before.

The Solar Eclipse is conjunct (aligned with) transit (moving) Mercury in Libra, and Mercury is the planet of the mind and communication, so this eclipse can be good for talking things over, getting or giving news, learning new information, sharing knowledge, and we can keep busy and active. We can also learn diplomacy and compromise, qualities which will go far to help navigate through the trickier moments. Last year's Libra Solar Eclipse was also conjunct Mercury, so this gives more credence to the idea that these eclipses tie in together.

Venus, the ruler of this Eclipse, is angled to Saturn in a nice trine, inviting us to balance give and take, to dig deep, find our true value and ask for what we are worth.

At the time of the eclipse, the sun and moon will also be inching toward a tense square with Mars in Cancer, kicking up disagreements and discord in your close relationships. You may need to set boundaries or face an issue or conflict head on. With Mars involved, you may also feel more energised or pressured to make a decision when dealing with drama. Mars in Cancer is all about protecting those you love and your sense of security. And, if any of those feel threatened under this eclipse, you’ll be ready to fire back. People can be more reactive and quick tempered, so find a healthy outlet for your anger or excess energy if possible.

solar eclipse


Every relationship needs a tune-up every now and then, and what better time to balance the scales than during October’s solar eclipse? Working together in—or opting out of—partnerships is the critical focus of a solar eclipse in Libra. This is a South nodal eclipse which signifies endings and releases. You cannot move forward until you let go of entrenched habitual patterns detrimental to relating. The eclipse is illuminating your house of personal and professional relationships. So, are you ready to commit, Aries? People you meet under these skies feel fated and karmic. Some connections that have run their course may end, while new and significant people can enter your life. Whether you’re ready to take the next step in a romantic relationship or business partnership, this can be a fruitful time to discuss commitment. In order to get on the same page as someone else, you may need to clear up any simmering resentment or address boundaries that have been crossed in the past.


October eclipse initiates a new cycle while wrapping up a pivotal two-year cycle. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, arrives on October 2. This South Node eclipse brings attention to the past; habitual patterns that no longer serve you must be broken before you can move forward. And this eclipse will give you the opportunity for a cathartic and profound clearing or releasing of negative patterns. Therefore, are you ready to put a plan into motion, Taurus? There may be an idea you want to pursue, or maybe you’ve decided to sign up for a course or commit to learning something new. Whatever you’re ready to tackle, it’s changing up your daily routine and structure. You’re incorporating something new into your everyday life. This is also a powerful time to kick bad habits, and also wrap up an ongoing obligation or project that’s left you feeling exhausted or underappreciated. Take time for rest or relaxation, Taurus. 


Eclipses are unpredictable wildcards of change, inspiring us to become better versions of ourselves. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra arrives on October 2. As you stand at the crossroads of immense personal change, processing the past will be necessary. One effective way to tackle this is through creative expression. With this lunation you can maximise opportunities for rich fulfilment through being creative and just having fun with it all. You could also make a decision about a romantic or creative partnership. Ask yourself if this is a connection where you want to continually invest energy, or are you ready to take the next step? A passion project could also reach its final form, or maybe you’re gaining attention for your talents and standing out in your field. You might also become more aware of the relationship between your leisure time and your finances, especially if you’re spending beyond your means. It may be time to put a budget in place, Gemini.


Cancer, this eclipse is all about friends and family—a topic you obviously could dote on for hours or even days. This South Nodal Solar Eclipse arrives on October the 2nd in Libra (which is also a New Moon) and brings your attention to the past, unresolved emotional hurts or habitual patterns detrimental to relationships. There may also be some tension brewing between you and your chosen family. They need to be released. It is a New Moon, yet you cannot move forward until you face unfinished issues. Activating your 4th house of home, family and inner sanctuary, reminds you that harmony at home is essential to your wellbeing. Do you overly compromise? Avoid your needs or a problem to keep the peace? This is a powerful time to push back and defend your beliefs and desires, even if it upsets others in your life. You may also need to set boundaries with loved ones or make a personal decision that feels fated in some way. Be honest with yourself.


Your limiting beliefs are trying to get the best of you, Leo. Finding common ground again through constructive dialogue to end this conflict is possible—maybe even unavoidable—during the solar eclipse and new moon in Libra on October the 2nd. Eclipses are catalysts for change, unpredictable, disruptive—exciting game changers, to say the least. It is on the South Node, which signifies endings, releases or letting go. You are not exempt. Do you communicate your needs clearly or overly compromise or do you people please or charm others to get your way? The key to this major lunar event is balanced thought and negotiation, which would aid you in both making decisions personally and discussing them with your near and dear ones. New contracts may also pop up, and this can also bring fated changes to some of your relationships with siblings, extended family, or best friends. There may also be something new you want to learn, and perhaps you feel ready to take that risk and sign up for a class or workshop to hone a new skill.


You’re exploring new ways to support yourself, Virgo. The ebb and flow of money has perhaps been the sharpest point of imbalance in your oh-so-meticulously nurtured life this year. A chance to completely revolutionise your relationship with income and earning money could land in your lap on October 2, thanks to a major solar eclipse and new moon in Libra. Your prospects for increasing cash flow are tremendous, whether that be with a whole new gig, a sweet pay raise, or a rewarding side hustle. This lunar event in the South Node signifies endings…and the need to let go before you can move forward. Take an honest assessment of how you communicate your needs about money. You’ll find that tricky (but essential) in business and personal partnerships. It’s also time to take a look at how you spend your money—prepare for your values to shift in a positive way. You’ll find yourself wasting less (on what doesn’t add meaning) and investing more in what really matters. A job or contract may come to an end. You may also want to reflect on whether or not you feel appreciated for what you contribute to your job. If not, it could be time to consider alternative professional opportunities. Remember, Virgo: You shouldn't have to convince anyone of your worth and value.

solar eclipse


There isn’t an aspect of your life that October’s solar eclipse won’t touch. On October 2, a solar eclipse and new moon occurs in Libra, rocking your world with a powerful new beginning. You will be feeling energised and confident to embody a more authentic version of yourself. Life as you know it—including how you present your identity to the world—may change dramatically. This New Moon Solar Eclipse on the South Node signifies endings, releases and letting go. For you, that’s an invitation to gain profound insight and to let go of parts of yourself that no longer serve you. Your nature is to seek harmony, yet it can be detrimental if you overly compromise and do not communicate your needs. Now is your chance to release and break free from entrenched patterns. What will you do with this gift? Let go of the things that dim your light and you’ll begin a transformation. 
As you show up more fully as yourself, it may affect your close relationships. Some may not understand this version of you and miss who you once were. Trust that if any relationships end, that’s on them, and it’s their loss. Don’t let anyone else’s opinion affect who you want to be or what dreams you want to chase after. It’s also possible that new, karmic connections enter your life, whether it’s a work contract or a potential long-term lover. This is a powerful day to make a new promise and commitment to yourself.


Furthering your projects will be an inside job, one that requires personal motivation and savvy strategy. A solar eclipse and new moon fall in Libra on October 2, providing a healthy balance for bringing that bubbling internal energy out into the external to manifest toward your goals. What some perceive as cunning is just simple smarts to you, Scorpio. During this lunation, you may set out to make some changes to your habits or behaviours, particularly the ones that may be working against you. You will be able to understand yourself better and are ready to own up to ways in which you contribute to your own self-sabotage. This is a powerful time for acceptance, healing, surrendering, letting go, and embarking on a different path forward. You may also experience waves of grief as you’re closing out a cycle, letting go of someone, or moving on from a situation that no longer serves you. This can leave you feeling tender and exhausted, so carve out time for rest.


Are you working toward a dream or chasing a fantasy, Sagittarius?  October’s solar eclipse means you’re always up for an adventure. Buckle up for an unpredictable, game-changing time of transformation. The Solar New Moon Eclipse in Libra on October the 2nd will ignite your house of friends and aspirations. Because this eclipse is on the South Node, it signifies endings and releases. Sometimes, you’re only as good as the company you keep. Think about what drags down your relationships—poor communication, bad habits, patterns of dysfunction. This eclipse is your chance to release those areas of tension. Sagittarius, where have you compromised too much or neglected your own needs? 
It’s possible that a goal you’ve worked toward reaches a notable milestone. This can also help you gain attention for your work and your ideas. Your fans—and the right allies—are taking notice of what you have to offer. You may also come to a realisation about a goal or dream you once had. Perhaps it no longer feels aligned, or it may be necessary to confront a few of your insecurities before you can make progress on your vision.


Take a deep breath and let it all out, Capricorn. October's solar eclipse will change your world! This mighty event highlights your professional life, inviting new opportunities and beginnings. First, you have to release the past before forging ahead into the exciting unknown. Since this eclipse is in the South Node, it represents letting go of past identities and expectations. You’re wearing your emotions on your sleeve, and this is an important time to address the feelings you’ve avoided. There can be tension that stems from both your personal relationships and professional life. Perhaps your partner gets laid off of work, or maybe you’re taking on a new project that requires you to work longer hours. You may also realise that you’re feeling called to pursue another career path altogether. You deserve to follow your desires, even if they aren’t what someone else would choose for you.


Boundaries aren’t fun, but they’re necessary, Aquarius. There never seems to be a time when you’re not seeking expansive horizons, but this month your pursuit for higher learning is magnified by a solar eclipse and new moon in Libra on October the 2nd. It’s time to take the trip, read the book, dive into the spiritual practice you’ve had your eye on. Practically anything you do with the intention of becoming more knowledgeable is supported, and could even be profoundly spiritual. Teaming up with your partner or sweetheart makes this learning experience doubly profound. On the other hand, it’s very possible someone is trying to add more responsibilities to your life, and you’ll have to think very carefully before agreeing to taking on a new commitment. Your employer might recommend you for a project that feels taxing or gruelling, or maybe a loved one needs extra help or care, and it would mean you have to sacrifice more of your freedom.


Ready to break some patterns? Eclipses disrupt the cosmos and jar us into becoming better versions of ourselves, if we let them. The new moon solar eclipse travels through your eighth house of shared resources, debts, vulnerability, and your fears. A It is a South Nodal eclipse, which signifies endings and releases. This celestial event gifts you with profound insight, inspiring you to to shift entrenched, habitual patterns around money and relationships. Pisces, where do you compromise, people-please or skirt the issue to avoid conflict over money or intimacy? Emotionally, this can also kick up feelings of jealousy or envy. It is time to clear and release your negative patterns. The Solar Eclipse usher in a key development in untangling your finances and easing your overwhelm. Income provided by your partner or spouse could positively tip the scale. It’s also possible you’re tired of supporting yourself in your current profession, and maybe you’re left wondering when a passion project or side hustle will finally take off.


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