Directly opposite the Midheaven is the I.C., or Imum Coeli (from the Latin imum coeli, meaning “lowest part of the heavens”). The I.C. influences your attitude toward home and family, affects the circumstances at the end of your life, and, like the M.C., is associated with one of your parents. It’s sometimes described as representing the “base of the personality,” which suggests that its importance is greater than it appears.

Your I.C. is Aries, suggesting that you can renew your energy and express your individuality most actively at home. But you can also be rebellious and short-tempered with members of your family.

Your I.C. is Taurus, suggesting that financial security and the comforts of family are extremely important to you. Owning a home and land brings you satisfaction.

Your I.C. is Gemini, suggesting that your home is a busy place filled with books, magazines, and communication devices of every sort. You’d love to have two homes and you may move frequently.

Your I.C. is Cancer, suggesting that your ties to family in general, and your mother in particular, are strong. Living near water soothes you.

Your I.C. is Leo. You take pride in your home, which is a place where you can express your emotions and your creative talents. Even if you’re shy elsewhere, you’re the star at home.

Your I.C. is Virgo, suggesting that a clean, neat environment at home gives you the security and grounding that you need. You may move frequently, always in search of an ideal home.

Your I.C. is in Libra, indicating that while you may be willing to fight in the professional world, you need a serene and harmonious home. Take the advice of Aries artist William Morris in The Beauty of Life: “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” And if in doubt as to which matters more — usefulness or beauty — go for the latter.

Your I.C. is in Scorpio, which suggests that your home is a hideaway where you can express your deepest passions and find the privacy you crave.

Your I.C. is Sagittarius, which suggests that you move frequently (or  would like to), that your domestic life is shaped by strong religious principles, or that you secretly long to be an expatriate. You agree with the Gemini writer G. K. Chesterton, who wrote in What’s Wrong with the World, “The home is not the one tame place in a world of adventure; it is the one wild place in a world of rules and set tasks.”

Your I.C. is Capricorn, which suggests that you have traditional taste in interior decoration and that you take a conservative attitude toward family, an arena in which you shoulder an enormous burden of responsibility.

Your I.C. is Aquarius, which indicates that you have an idiosyncratic attitude toward home and family. As a result, there’s something unusual about your domestic life — and about one of your parents as well.

Your I.C. is Pisces, which indicates that feelings of abandonment in child- hood make you long for a serene home filled with spiritual solace. Your attitude is that of the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, who wrote in The Poetics of Space, “If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: The house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.”