Full Moon in Pisces

On September 17, 2024, the Full Moon in Pisces will be illuminated by the Sun in Virgo. This Full Moon in Pisces is the first eclipse of an eclipse set occurring along the Virgo-Pisces axis. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfilment of that which was started at the New Moon. A Lunar eclipse is a more potent Full Moon, and its effects tend to last longer. Many astrologers believe that the effects of a Lunar eclipse last approximately six months. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilisation, and relationships. 

This phase of the Moon occurs at 25 degrees and 40 minutes of Pisces, opposite the Sun at the same degree of Virgo. Its alignment with Neptune and square to Jupiter speak to the extravagant nature of this time, and its harmony with Uranus suggests we’re ready to embrace change and progress. There can be inflated feelings, so it’s wise to sit with them for a bit before taking action.

While the next eclipse after this one (chronologically) is in Libra, there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in March 2025, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in September 2025, a Solar Eclipse in Virgo in September 2025, a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in March 2026, a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in August 2026, and a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in February 2027.

This eclipse affects people with personal planets and points at 20 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and 0 to 1 degree of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

Pisces is a super sensitive sign, and we can be more sensitive to what's happening, what others think, and what we can sense from the world around us as we're more sensitive to subtle energies and shifts. 

Pisces is a super intuitive sign and rules spirituality, so the Pisces full moon can be a great time for reconnecting to your intuition and to your spiritual self. If there are blocks, they can be worked on, and there can be some major understanding that occurs.

Pisces is the last Zodiac sign and therefore associated with endings, and full moons also rule endings, so the Pisces full moon is often a time of a major ending or two. We're ready to finish, to release, to let go, and to move on. We can get in tune with our subconscious minds and with the past, and this can help us identify baggage and blocks and patterns that need to be addressed so we can move forward without them holding us back.

We can be extra compassionate and empathetic with the Pisces full moon. We may take it quite personally when we see someone being hurt, or something especially cruel happening, especially with Venus still retrograde for this full moon. We can work to be gentler, caring, and more considerate.

Virgo rules the tools and techniques we use to deal with day-to-day life, while Pisces rules the tools we use to deal with our spiritual selves. The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire–we would either be living in chaos or excessive order.

With the health and service axis (Pisces-Virgo) involved, health or work issues may come to the fore. As well, the ability to set boundaries to the amount of service we render can become a major issue. Situations that test our faith, or magnify our fears and doubts, may be part of the picture. Secrets may be revealed, and these can include discovering secrets of our own nature from deep within. For some, a new “calling” will surface in the coming six months. A new line of work that better matches our inner nature, desire to serve, or emotional make-up may unfold in the months following this eclipse, particularly if the natal Sun, sixth/twelfth houses, or tenth house is activated.


The 2024 Pisces full moon and lunar eclipse deepens your bonds

Pisces is known for being incredibly empathic and even a bit psychic, so your intuition could be functioning on a whole new level in the days surrounding this lunation. And it’s getting a boost from another planet that tends to sharpen your inner knowledge: Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, which will be sitting at 29 degrees of Capricorn, forming a sextile to the moon. Pluto’s dance with the moon makes it possible to connect even more deeply with your unconscious, dreams and fears. In turn, you can get clear on the shadow side of a particular bond. Being able to accept and manage the truth underlying the relationship can strengthen it — but it could also be a breaking point.  

In addition to connecting to Pluto, the full moon in Pisces will form an even tighter sextile to Uranus, the planet of sudden change, rebellion, revolution and innovation, at 27 degrees of Taurus, suggesting that the heightened emotions that come up for you will inspire you to make an out-of-the-blue move for the sake of your independence and spirit. This planetary linkup also magnifies your instincts and ability to make agile moves that just feel right.  

You can make the most of the 2024 full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces by holding space for your imagination to run free. 

The full moon joins its ruling planet — spiritual Neptune — in Pisces, which only cranks up the volume on all of the Piscean and Neptunian themes of this transit. You or a loved one could not only be more sensitive to yourselves, but you’ll be even more in tune with one another’s — or other people’s — emotions. It might also be tough to zero in on cold, hard facts, potentially setting the stage for hazy thinking. The silver lining: Romantic, fantastical and artistic pursuits are sure to get a boost from this surge of dreamy energy.  

How the Pisces Lunar Eclipse Affects Each Zodiac Sign

Each Sun sign will feel the effects of the Pisces Lunar Eclipse slightly differently. All signs will be experiencing a sense of completion or ending in some way, but the specifics will vary according to which solar house the Lunar Eclipse falls in for each zodiac sign.


Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for an Aries

A dreamy and passionate full moon in Pisces ignites the night on September 17. This lunation falls in your twelfth house, your sector of hidden talents and weaknesses Aries, encouraging you to look within and recognize how you’ve approached romance in the past year. Navigating this Lunar Eclipse should come easily for you, Aries, as long as you lead with your mind and manage your heart’s desires. As this can bring matters of the past back for closure, you may be required to let go or heal something that has happened. 
Now is the time to appraise how your compassion, imagination, and fluidity can be quite a talent, no matter what your profession is. In return, let go of your insecurities surrounding it.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Taurus

The Lunar Eclipse stirs an emotional response to your dreams and network. Over the last six months, you may have found that your professional aspirations have transformed or evolved. You may have felt more called to an emotionally fulfilling path within your career, which may have affected the network you used to operate in. Your motivation is kicking up a notch, and with it will come the expansion of your social circle. Cut loose ties to make room for growth.
The energy from the full moon could cause you to attend a romantic or dreamy event where you circulate amongst many friends. Singles should circulate to find someone who ignites their passions and shares similar interests. Couples can hit the town, dressed to impress.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Gemini

The full moon is illuminating your career path—where you have been, your current position, and the possibilities of your future. You could feel a bit torn up about your career path thus far. It is likely that a lot has changed from when you had your first job up until now. 
You have big ideas about where you should be and what you should have achieved by now. Gemini, perseverance is how you land your dream job. Honour your childhood ideas and imaginative desires—they helped you get as far as you have now. But make sure you’re levelling with yourself and be practical about what it is you want. Maybe having patience is only half of the battle. I wonder what would happen if you focused more on the fruits of your progress through a temporal lens. What would happen if you remember you’re working for next year as opposed to tomorrow? Focus on grounding yourself at home: The seeds you plant will have an easier time growing on stable ground.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for Cancer

This lunar eclipse and full moon activate two areas of life that haven’t been affected since 2017: your communication and higher learning sectors. And the latter is emphasised right now, urging you to step outside of your comfort zone and explore new philosophies and perspectives on the world. When did you last read a book that changed your worldview? You could be feeling restless and in need of opportunities to soak up knowledge, connect with people outside of your typical social circle or travel. With the moon connecting to powerful Pluto in your partnership zone and game-changer Uranus in your friendship sector, romantic and platonic connections could be key to making the most of this energy. 

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Leo

What are you desperately holding onto, Leo? This lunation could be an emotional rollercoaster for you as you do a spiritual and mental inventory. There could be a major turn of events, specifically when it comes to your intimate partnerships and finances. You might realise you have to accept responsibility for a specific financial matter you've been overlooking or avoiding. 
A Lunar Eclipse in your intimate eighth house will draw your attention on how to be united with your partner and if things are on the same page. If not, you could speak up to address the imbalance. Your sexual hunger will also likely ignite! For Leos dealing with a separation or divorce, the settlement may now be reached or come in now.
The Lunar Eclipse peaks in your sector of transformation and collaborative investments. Over the last six months, consider all changes in banking, team efforts, and private transformation that you did according to your line of work. If you welcomed change, then this area of life may have radically transformed for the better.
It could be a good time to review your investments and fiscal goals.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Virgo

A Lunar Eclipse in your seventh house reaches culmination on September 17, but will echo out for days before and after. This will be a highly dreamy and passionate time, with the planets interacting in a heaven’s dance. However, don’t let your fantasies get the best of you. It’s crucial to keep your wits about relationships clear! 
For some Virgos, this will be a time of culmination, perhaps by becoming official, moving in with their partner, getting engaged, or even being wed. Single Virgos could have a higher likelihood of meeting a soulmate or someone with long-term partnership potential. 
However, for the Virgos who have felt tension bubbling beneath the waves, a break-up or announcement of divorce could also appear. Know that whatever happens, the universe wants to redirect you toward greater happiness even if initially it hurts.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Libra

On September 17, the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is wrapping up a period of work for you! The full moon illuminates your sector of daily habits, routine, and jobs. The way you go about your work routine may come to an end. It may be the time where some Libras are saying goodbye to work as they know it. Not necessarily a bad thing or even a harsh transition, but definitely change that ought to be welcomed.
Drowning yourself in your daily task is a coping mechanism. When we humans have problems in our minds and weights on our hearts, it's common to look for distractions of lesser significance. It's easier to cry over a lover who is emotionally unavailable than the harshness of adulthood. Coping is fine, as long as you treat the source of your discomfort.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Scorpio 

This Lunar Eclipse hits your zone of romance and creativity, potentially bringing extremes around love or enhancing your artistic desires and talents. Embrace pointless fun. Allowing yourself to play can help your cognitive development and sense of well-being. But to sustain your joy, you must have days when you buckle down and do work.
A romance could bring you the highest of highs or the lowest of lows now, helping you to decide whether you should stick with this liaison or get the hell out. It’s possible to go overboard so think twice before you make a clean sweep, issue ultimatums or make commitments that seemed right at the time but that you might regret when things simmer down. Keep things light and playful if you can, in all areas of life, and avoid being a drama queen no matter how tricky that might feel under this intense lunar energy.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Sagittarius

A situation at home could come to a conclusion this month thanks to the  Full Moon bringing closure to what might have felt like an overwhelming experience. There is an emotional pattern that is resurfacing, one that you have acted out more than once. Spending this Full Moon in a state of stillness is ideal—it will be easier for you to watch as life unfolds before you. Keep your head up, Sagittarius. You may want to regress back to a state when you gave into your feelings of fear, but you are not that scared person anymore. Hold your tongue and exude confidence. Flashes of inspiration that occur could be clues to help you follow your destiny or karma, as they’ll lead  you towards where and how you’re meant to live.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for a Capricorn

The Lunar Eclipse is glowing in your sector of communication. The last six months may have indicated changes in this area, such as how you get to work, who you work with, or even how you communicate in this environment. You may be surprised by how beneficial each change has been as it has challenged you to grow within your work environment. However, don’t boast or fantasise, as the somewhat heightened energy of this full moon could end up having people—or your partner—disappointed in you.
Speak your truth, but only after careful thought. The words that you give life to cannot be unborn, they can only fall short of their potential. It's wise to be clear on what you wish to say before you say it. Clarity on your intentions can help you tell you're being understood. Release the expectation for a particular outcome and trust that all interactions bring a lesson.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces for an Aquarius

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is highlighting your financial status, budget, what you value, and what talents you have used in your profession. Over the last six months, your budget may have adjusted in ways you were not expecting. It is possible that you could have used your natural talents to make a little extra cash or started a passion project. 
If you get the urge to splurge this month be careful that the Full Moon  doesn’t push you towards acts of lunacy where your money is concerned. Overspending is likely now, as are overestimating your resources and imagining that it will all be alright in the end. Others may come to you to bail them out financially, but read between the lines of any sob stories as you might be taken for granted and may not see the money returned to you any time soon, if at all.

Lunar Eclipse in Pices for a Pisces 

The Lunar Eclipse on September 17, is occurring in your sign, Pisces! The full moon is wrapping up a six-month cycle of self-improvement. Over the last six months, you may have stepped into a more authentic version of yourself. Think of this as an opportunity for an emotional clear-out, so that once the current intensity is over you can safely move on and put this phase behind you. 
Your dreamy disposition is one of the most beautiful things about you. As lovely as it is to submerge your head into a world of imagination, you will watch parts of yourself die if you don't come up for air. You love the water because potential is endless in the world of the unknown but remember that you are human and in need of oxygen, awareness, and sunlight. Go out into the material world and reach out to those close to you.