You are conservative, lovable, warm, charming, sensual in the extreme, protective, full of passion, although possessive with your companions. All the comforts of life appeal to you, starting with rich food and ending with long, luscious sexual encounters, preferably with the same person every time.
You require security, comfort, cuddling, beautiful objects, an occasional push to get you moving, a committed partner, and a healthy bank account. Υou are affectionate and romantic, but you don’t give your love away too quickly. A bad love affair is hard on you emotionally, so you take your time deciding on the right person to love. This process, however, is done by feeling rather than thinking logically. Yours is a very physical and earthy love of nature. To you, love does not exist without sex. You are very demonstrative and generous toward a lover, sometimes too much so. Your passion can be smothering; you have an all-consuming need to make a lover belong to you.You value consistency, and though you’re capable of fooling around, it’s not your natural mode. Even though you give all your love to your partner, as time passes by, the other person begins to feel bored by your monotony. You long for material possessions because they make you feel safe. You will work hard to provide yourself a comfortable and luxurious life. You rarely take financial and emotional risks. With friends, you are willing and ready to help, but you are as cautious about forming instant friendships as about love. This position of Venus brings money luck, sometimes through inheritance or marriage. You have artistic inclinations and you are interested in music. You also love to eat and you will always struggle with your tendency to gain weight.
Celebrities with Venus in Taurus
Natalie Portman, Edward Norton, Carl Gustav Jung, Meryl Streep, Cameron Diaz, Keanu Reeves, Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzeneger, Angelina Jolie. Diana,
8th Degree Bono, Napoleon I
17th Degree Adolf Hitler (Rx)
21st Degree Ariana Grande
25th Degree Princess of Wales
27th Degree Johnny Depp